Genesis 1:26-28, Matthew 7:1-12 - Crusades, Slavery, & #churchtoo: Why Christianity is Believable Even When Christians Aren’tOctober 6, 2024Trevor Atwood
1 Cor. 2:1-5; 4:1-5, 6:19-20 & Gal. 2:20 - Nobody Cheered for Me: How Jesus Offers an Unshakeable IdentitySeptember 29, 2024Trevor Atwood
Matthew 12:9-21 - The Search for Justice: How Jesus Makes Sense of Right & WrongAugust 4, 2024Trevor Atwood
Can I Really Trust the Bible: How the Word of God is the Truth about Jesus for Us - 2 Peter 1:16-21April 21, 2024Trevor Atwood
Sisyphus Wasn’t Happy: Why Meaning is Better Discovered than Created - Genesis 1, Ecclesiastes 1, Colossians 3April 14, 2024Trevor Atwood
Mark 9:14-29 & Romans 1:18-23 - Reasonable Faith: Does Science Prove Christianity Is Just Wishful Thinking?April 7, 2024Trevor Atwood